Heights and Categories

AIMHCNZ Inc will use the following height categories at AIMHCNZ Inc events and shows:-

Height Categories

Category A

Category A

  • Foals and Weanlings must not exceed 30” (76.20cm) in height.
  • Yearlings must not exceed 32” (81.28cm) in height.
  • Two-year-olds must not exceed 33” (83.82cm) in height.
  • Three years old and over shall not exceed 34” (86.36cm) in height.

Category B

  • Foals and Weanlings must be over 29” (73.66cm) and over and not exceed 33” (83.82cm) in height.
  • Yearlings must be over 31” (78.74cm) and not exceed 36” (91.44cm) in height.
  • Two-year-olds must be over 32” (81.28cm) and not exceed 37” (93.98cm) in height.
  • Three-year-olds and over must be over 33” (83.82cm) and not exceed 38” (96.52cm)

Category C

  • Foals and Weanlings must be over 32” (81.28cm) and not exceed 36” (91.44cm) in height.
  • Yearlings must be over 35” (88.90cm) and not exceed 38” (96.52cm) in height.
  • Two-year-olds must be over 36” (91.44cm) and not exceed 40” (101.60cm) in height.
  • Three-year-olds must be over 37” (93.98cm) and not exceed 42” (106.68cm) in height.
  • Four-year-olds and over must be over 38” (96.52cm) and not exceed 42” (106.68cm)

General Information

Height for age for horses commences as at 1st August with the exception of imported horses whose height for age is calculated from the actual birth date.

Horses are measured at the last mane hair

Any horse exceeding the Category C height for age requirements may not be shown

Horses will be measured as follows: 

  • Foals and Yearling measures are valid from 1st September until 31st December. After 31st December a foal measure is valid for three months.
  • Two and three-year-old measures are valid from 1st September until 31st March. If the horse is measured after 31st March the measure is valid for six months.
  • Four years and over measures are valid from 1st September until 31st August each year

Affiliated Clubs provide measuring services at their club days, measuring days and shows.  An approved ‘Dobbin’ stick, that measures to 42” is to be used, by approved measurers. Clubs organise their own measuring to suit their club requirements. Measuring days need to be announced publicly, not later than 7 days before an organised measuring day.